The coordinator of TimeBanking 2.0, Josep Bofill i Blanch, attended as a speaker at the Seminari de Servei Comunitari organised by the Servei de Suport a la Comunitat Educativa in the Centre de Recursos Pedagògics (CRP) del Gironès,the 25th of october of 2017. He had the honour to present the Community Service inside Erasmus+ Project TimeBanking 2.0.
Local Press
TimeBanking 2.0 was trending topic in the Local Press, before, during and after the running of the European Erasmus+ Project.
Here you can check the links:
Dos mesos a Eindhoven (p.33) – Agost 2017
Banc de Temps, una iniciativa per mantenir els valors de la societat (p. 25) – April 2017
Vols explicar un conte i participar en el Projecte TimeBanking? (p.16) – December 2016
Comença l’intercanvi de temps a Bescanó (p.17) – December 2916
Bescanó estrena el 1r Banc del Temps Escolar d’Europa
La Miquela, innovació i trilingüisme (page 22-23) – December 2015
Community Service inside the E+ Project of TimeBanking 2.0 Presentation
The coordinator of TimeBanking 2.0, Josep Bofill i Blanch, attended as speaker the Jornada de Servei Comunitari organized by the Department of Ensenyament in Institut Milà i Fontanals (Barcelona), the 5th of july of 2017. He had the honour to present the Community Service inside the E+ Project of TimeBanking 2.0. Here you can enjoy the presentation:
Closing Event TimeBanking 2.0 & Official Announcement of the School TimeBanking European Association (STBEA)
On friday 21st of april of 2017 and during the Short-Term Mobility to Bescanó, the Closing Event of TimeBanking 2.0 and Official Announcement of the European School TimeBanking Association took place in the Royal Theater of Bescanó. Both schools, La Miquela and SintLucas participated in such a interesting action. Many authorities were invited and joined us by giving some speeches about different topics. Here you can watch the whole presentation, which was edited by Martina Puig and Aina Garcia, both students of 3rd Grade of ESO and members of the E+ TimeBanking 2.0 project.
Teachers Room Exchange of Skills’ Board
During the 2nd year of partnership different activities were organised in order to widespread the idea of TimeBanking among all the schools students, the school staff and parents as well as local entities. In the attachment you can see the Exchange of Skills board that was put in the Teachers Room. The teachers that wanted to participate in this TimeBank among School Staff, had to think about different offers and demands in order to post them in the board and wait if anyone was interested in doing the exchange. Once done the exchange they had to note it in a paper spreadsheet. Here you can see it:
SintLucas Magazine Article
During the Long Term Mobility in Eindhoven, the 2 students from Ins La Miquela, Sol Melero and Marina Solà signed an article for the magazine of the School of SintLucas. Here you can see the pictures of it as there is no digital one:
Good Practises Speech TimeBanking 2.0 – eTwinning
The coordinator of TimeBanking 2.0, Josep Bofill i Blanch, attended as speaker the 2nd session of Erasmus+ - Projects KA1/KA2 organized by the Department of Ensenyament in La Casa del Mar (Barcelona). He had the honour to present the TimeBanking 2.0 Project as an example of good practise together with the European Platform of eTwinning. Here you can enjoy the presentation: Presentació Bona Pràctica Timebanking 2.0 - eTwinning from josepbofilllamiquela Here you can see some pictures of the presentation: Here you can watch the rest of the pictures of the event: 2nd Session of Eramus+ KA1/KA2 You can also visit the website of the eTwinning ambassadors house of Spain and Catalonia for futher information about the session:
Official Presentation of the TimeBanking 2.0 E+ Project
On tuesday 24th of May, the TimeBanking 2.0 E+ Project was officially presented in the Royal Theater of Bescanó. Both schools, La Miquela and SintLucas participated in such a interesting action. Many authorities were invited and joined us by giving some speeches about different topics. Here you can watch the whole presentation:
TimeBanking 2.0 Presentation to Local Entities
The coordinator of TimeBanking 2.0 and the headmaster of La Miquela met the Local Entities engaged in the TB 2.0 to set up the Community Service for the 2nd Year of the E+ Project. Here you can see the presentation: TimeBanking 2.0 Presentation to Local Entities from josepbofilllamiquela
Corridor’s TimeBanking 2.0 Noticeboard
A group of students from Ins La Miquela with the support of the teacher Ona Danés, designed the TimeBanking 2.0 NoticeBoard that is located in the corridor of the school, just in front of the 3rd and 4th Grade of ESO classrooms. Here you can see the evolution of such a lovely NoticeBoard: For the complete album of pictures go to Corridor's TimeBanking 2.0 NoticeBoard